Autonomy or Dependence: Working with Therapeutic Symbiosis in the Non-Psychotic Therapist-Client Relationship

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Vitor A Mehry


Symbiosis is a concept developed by Schiff and others in her work with clients with severe psychoses such as schizophrenia. It is our intention with this article to propose a reflection on its applicability with our non-psychotic clients, within the practice of consultation. By reviewing the theory of development, by authors with a theoretical framework of transactional analysis, we seek to establish the possibilities of what can happen within the primary symbiosis through its non-resolution, within each period of development of the human being from conception to the adult phase. In this primary symbiosis, when unresolved, the establishment of script and the matrix of the various relationships of dependence in life will be developed. Resolution of this through therapeutic symbiosis in the therapist-client relationship may lead to attainment of Berne's autonomy with its components of awareness, spontaneity and intimacy.

Citation - APA format:

Mehry, V. (2018). Autonomy or Dependence: Working with Therapeutic Symbiosis in the Non-Psychotic Therapist-Client Relationship. International Journal of Transactional Analysis Research & Practice, 9(2), 64-71

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How to Cite
Mehry, V. A. (2018). Autonomy or Dependence: Working with Therapeutic Symbiosis in the Non-Psychotic Therapist-Client Relationship. International Journal of Transactional Analysis Research & Practice, 9(2), 64–71.


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