Evaluation and Measurement of Ego States The Psychometric Properties of the Italian Translation of the Revised version of the Ego State Questionnaire (ESQ-R)

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Fiorenzo Laghi
Giuseppe Crea
Claudia Filipponi


As a response to the need for more objectivity, Loffredo, Harrington, Munoz & Knowles (2004) developed a 40-item version of the Ego State Questionnaire-Revised (ESQ-R), which was the readjustment of the original 60-items version (1997).  The present study evaluates an Italian version of the ESQ-R scale, completed by a sample of 483 subjects (204 males, and 279 females) and demonstrates acceptable construct validity and reliability in its five subscales of Critical Parent, Nurturing Parent, Adult, Free Child, and Adapted Child. Exploratory factor analyses suggested five factors as referred to in the original ESQ-R scale; items loaded at .30 or below were excluded and additional study showed an Italian version ESQ-RI with 33-items to have a good construct validity as an objective measure of the five ego states entities according to transactional analysis theory. Implications for future research are included.

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How to Cite
Laghi, F., Crea, G., & Filipponi, C. (2020). Evaluation and Measurement of Ego States: The Psychometric Properties of the Italian Translation of the Revised version of the Ego State Questionnaire (ESQ-R). International Journal of Transactional Analysis Research & Practice, 11(2), 14–24. https://doi.org/10.29044/v11i2p14
Author Biographies

Fiorenzo Laghi

Professor of Developmental Psychology, Department of Developmental and Social Psychology, Faculty of  Medicine and Psychology, Sapienza University of Rome

Giuseppe Crea

Professor of Psychology, Department of Psychology, Pontifical Salesian University of Rome

Claudia Filipponi

Director of the Post Graduate School Scuola di Analisi Transazionale SIFP of Rome


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