
We begin this Code by pointing out that IJTARP conducts publication of articles but has no involvement in any research that becomes the subject of such publication. This Code is therefore intended to make clear what professional and ethical practices are expected of author who submit their material to IJTARP. It also includes what professional and ethical practices are expected of reviewers, translators and editors involved in the publication processes.

When we use the term 'research', we include any forms of qualitative or quantitative research, including but not limited to critical ethnographies and narratives such as are often used to present practice via case studies.


IJTARP is published under the auspices of ICTAQ – the International Centre of Transactional Analysis Qualifications – so we expect that all involved will be following the ICTAQ Codes of Practice, Policies and Procedures. These are likely to be in line with any similar Codes issued by the various TA associations that exist around the world. For the avoidance of doubt, when it comes to considering material processed for publication in IJTARP, the ICTAQ codes will take precedence.

Below in this document are specified the characteristics that should be applied to any research or practice being described in anything submitted for publication within IJTARP. For the avoidance of doubt, these apply also to all reviewers, translators and editors.

These have been influenced by the following:

-  The Concordat to Support Research Integrity (Universities UK, 2019) which in turn states that it supports the principles outlined in the Singapore Statement Research Integrity (2010), the Montréal Statement on Research Integrity in Cross-Boundary Research Collaborations (2013) and the European Code of Conduct for Research Integrity (All European Academies, 2017).

-  Principles of Transparency and Best Practice in Scholarly Publishing (Committee on Publication Ethics, 2022), which states that it is the result of collaboration between the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ), the Open Access Scholarly Publishers Association (OASPA), and the World Association of Medical Editors (WAME). IJTARP is a member of DOAJ.


The primary responsibility for adhering to the following principles is with the individual, whether they are researchers, authors, reviewers, translators, editors – or in terms of the research being done, whether they are employers, funders, associations, institutions (e.g. universities) or any other organisations or individuals operating on behalf of bodies that have any involvement in the research or practices which are being written about.

Please note that although it may seem as if the principles below are written with authors in mind, reviewers, translators and editors are responsible for ensuring that these principles are evident in what is due to be published, and for showing care and respect to each other and to authors.

The key principles are:

-  care and respect for all participants involved in any practice or research, including any participants and those they may be interacting and/or in relationship with, those who may be requesting and/or commissioning practice or research with others, and also including any users or beneficiaries of said research - a special duty of care is owed to those who may read what is published and act upon it.

-  honesty in all aspects, including what is shared with anyone involved with the practice or research, and what is published afterwards about the goals or intentions, methods and procedures, results and how they have been arrived at, conclusions and how they have been drawn, and limitations.

-  rigour and integrity in following appropriate norms and standards, for competently applying professional and research methods, working to agreed protocols, and working within the boundaries of the contracts established. This includes being aware of and following the various IJTARP and ICTAQ Codes and any other Codes that are relevant to the practice or research being conducted.

Other Factors

Because this Code is about expectations for material to be published in IJTARP, it does not include other elements that apply more generally to conducting practice or research to the high standards. However, the following will be considered when material is being submitted for publication:

-  accountability of all involved for collectively creating a practice/research environment in which researchers/practitioners are empowered and enabled to own the process, and in which reviewers, translators and editors are operating within an environment in which they accept responsibility for sharing their opinions.

-  open communication in that all involved feel able to declare any potential competing interests or dynamics that might prevent them from following the principles.

Notes about Open Communication – IJTARP is open access publishing so is freely available to all. Copyright remains with the authors, who are encouraged to share their articles widely. IJTARP also encourages authors to submit material when the results of projects are not as anticipated; this includes considering null hypotheses whenever appropriate and sharing negative results.

Dealing with Misconduct

There is a separate IJTARP Procedures for Handling Ethics Charges (link xxx), which will apply if this Code of Research Practice and Ethics is breached.




Principles of Transparency: