Psychological Boundaries and Psychological Bridges: A Categorisation and the Application of Transactional Analysis Concepts

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Julie Hay


Prompted by preparation of a presentation at a TA learning event, Part 1 of this paper provides a largely TA-based literature review of references to psychological boundaries, related to a proposed new framework for categorising such boundaries at the person (intrapersonal, personal), people (interpersonal, family, neighbourhood), place (region, country, area, continent) and planet (environment, Earth, Universe). TA concepts seen as relevant for each boundary are described. Comments on practitioner boundaries lead into Part 2, which addresses psychological bridges across boundaries such as created through supervision and frameworks for increasing awareness of unconscious processes.  A critique of the current TA field of application boundaries is included and Part 2 concludes with a model that represents a general bridge to contact.

Citation - APA format:

Hay, J. (2018). Psychological Boundaries and Psychological Bridges: A Categorisation and the Application of Transactional Analysis Concepts. International Journal of Transactional Analysis Research & Practice, 9(1), 52-81.

Article Details

How to Cite
Hay, J. (2018). Psychological Boundaries and Psychological Bridges: A Categorisation and the Application of Transactional Analysis Concepts. International Journal of Transactional Analysis Research & Practice, 9(1), 52–81.
Author Biography


Teaching and Supervising Transactional Analyst (Organisational, Psychotherapy and Educational), Licensed NLP Trainer, Fellow Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development, MPhil for research into management competencies, Postgraduate Diploma in Management Studies, MSc TA Psychotherapy,  Chief Executive of Psychological Intelligence Ltd, A D International and Sherwood Publishing, and of non-profit educational Psychological Intelligence Foundation CIC. Past president of the European and International Transactional Analysis Associations (EATA and ITAA). Founder and President 2006-8 of the European Mentoring & Coaching Council. Founding Director of the International Centre for Developmental TA and the International Centre for Developmental Super-Vision. Over 40 year’s organisational experience as employee, manager, trade unionist, trainer, consultant, entrepreneur. 35 years experience teaching TA in many areas of the world. Author of numerous articles, books and packs on TA, NLP, management competences and assessment, action learning, group dynamics, coach/mentoring, and corporate culture change Programme Director MSc Professional Development (Developmental Transactional Aanlysis)