Rethinking the Parent: A Valuing-Based Ego State Model

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Lena Kornyeyeva


The two integrative components of the Parent ego state in the original functional model are reconsidered in the context of psychotherapeutic work and its effectiveness. An alternative interpretation of the functional model is presented and argued, based both on theoretical considerations widely accepted in the profession and on a practical implementation of the reconsidered functional model. The present elaboration is based on the value principle, i.e. the premise that the need for self-worth is a core social need and that the experience of being devalued by a significant parental figure causes psychological trauma and correlated deficits and compensations. The importance of self-esteem in the context of attachment, “narcissistic wounding” and vulnerability, and empirical findings and therapeutic responses in psychotherapeutic practice are discussed. A case study of couple therapy is presented to illustrate the application of the model.

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How to Cite
Kornyeyeva, L. (2023). Rethinking the Parent: A Valuing-Based Ego State Model. International Journal of Transactional Analysis Research & Practice, 14(2), 24–32. Retrieved from


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