Outcome Measures in Transactional Analysis Clinical Practice: Presentation of Research Methodology

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Carol Remfrey Foote


This article introduces the research methodology underpinning a study on how Transactional Analysis practitioners use Outcome Measure data in diagnosis, contracting and treatment planning. After a brief literature review of outcome measures and details of the formulation of the research questions, it continues with the author’s understanding of Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis, which was the methodology used within the research, and how that aligns with transactional analysis.  The further focus of this paper includes the ethical considerations, the inclusion criteria for research participants, the structure and planned content of the research interviews, and a description of the data analysis method. The final data analysis stage is still running so detailed findings will follow in later publications. A previous article by the author set out the rationale for the research, and the intention of this article is to present the research method so that it can be critiqued and replicated.

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How to Cite
Remfrey Foote, C. (2024). Outcome Measures in Transactional Analysis Clinical Practice: Presentation of Research Methodology . International Journal of Transactional Analysis Research & Practice, 15(1). https://doi.org/10.29044/v15i1p39


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