How Do Transactional Analysis Counsellors and Psychotherapists Use Outcome Measures in TA Diagnosis, Contracting and Treatment Planning: An Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis of a Single Case Study - ‘Joe’.

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Carol Remfrey Foote


As part of a series of articles about doctoral research into how transactional analysis practitioners apply outcome measures, this article presents a worked example as a case study of a participant who is a Certified Transactional Analyst (Psychotherapy) and a clinical supervisor who uses outcome measures in TA diagnosis, contracting and treatment planning in his clinical practice. It shows the results of Personal Experiential Themes at two stages, in order to demonstrate the process used by the researcher to sort first into themes and then to complete an in-depth idiographic analysis and hermeneutic interpretation of the phenomenon

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How to Cite
Remfrey Foote, C. (2024). How Do Transactional Analysis Counsellors and Psychotherapists Use Outcome Measures in TA Diagnosis, Contracting and Treatment Planning: An Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis of a Single Case Study - ‘Joe’. International Journal of Transactional Analysis Research & Practice, 15(2).


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