Towards a Theory of Emotional Autonomy

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Tony White


The author challenges the emotional contagion theory and proposes an alternative of emotional autonomy. He critiques how the contagion theory is faulty logic because it assumes different individuals may experience identical emotions, rather than each having their own phenomenological experience even though the outward signs may look similar. A way of ascertaining individual experiences of emotions is suggested, followed by an example of the experiences of pain, before the conclusion that we should adopt within the literature the assumptions of emotional autonomy.

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How to Cite
White, T. (2024). Towards a Theory of Emotional Autonomy . International Journal of Transactional Analysis Research & Practice, 15(1).
Author Biography

Tony White, WPATA, ITAA

1985 - 2002; Lecturer and clinical trainer, Counselling and Care Centre Singapore & Singapore Transactional Analysis Association.


1986 - to date: Registered Psychologist in private practice


1989 – to date: Training program and supervisor for counselling and psychotherapy. Training counsellors for an Advanced Diploma in Counselling, Level 7


1991 - 2000: Co-ordinator of St. John Ambulance Service (WA) employee support program.


1999 - 2004. Acting Respite Co-ordinator - Level 6. Association of Relatives and Friends of the Mentally Ill.


1999 – 2001: Evening Counsellor Supervisor, Palmerston Drug Rehabilitation Centre.


2002 to date: YMCA Perth, Employee Support Counsellor


2005 - To date: Invitational lecturer, Murdoch University Psychology Programme


2005 to 2007: Senior Psychologist, Medical Centre, Acacia Prison.


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