Alzheimer's Disease: Considerations in the Light of Transactional Analysis

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Ede Lanir Ferreira Paiva


This paper appeared originally in Portuguese as Doença De Alzheimer: Considerações À Luz Da Análise Transacional. Revista Brasileira de Análise Transacional, 2021 ( and is reproduced here by kind permission of UNAT-BRASIL - União Nacional de Analistas Transacionais – Brasil.

To match the format of IJTARP, we have provided an alternative Abstract and moved the previous paragraph to become part of the Introduction to this article. Where possible, quotations have been added to reflect original TA publications in English.

This article is the result of a Narrative Review of literature about Alzheimer’s Disease, alongside a review of transactional analysis theory with particular reference to how the injunction or injunctive message of Don’t Think, and a mindless script, may be connected to the development of the disease. A plea is made that we study relationships beyond the realm of natural science.

Article Details

How to Cite
Paiva, E. L. F. (2022). Alzheimer’s Disease: Considerations in the Light of Transactional Analysis. International Journal of Transactional Analysis Research & Practice, 13(1), 84–90.
Author Biography

Ede Lanir Ferreira Paiva, UNAT

Ede Lanir Ferreira Paiva is accredited by UNAT as a Transactional Analysis Teacher in the area of Psychotherapy, a Certified Transactional Analyst in the areas of Psychotherapy and Education, and a Psychologist with a specialisation in Gerontology. She can be contacted at


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